

Speech at China (Shenzhen) International Industrial Fair 2009 Press Conference, September 7, 2009

Mr. Mayor, Distinguished guests, members of the press, Good afternoon,
陈市长、各位尊贵的来宾、新闻界朋友: 下午好!

I am glad to be here to share with you why Hong Kong manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta region

should make use of the China International Industrial Fair to tap China’s domestic market.
本人很高兴有机会和各位分享一个题目, 就是珠三角地区内香港厂商为什么应该善于利用『2009中国(深圳)国际


This year is the 30th anniversary of China’s adoption of its open door and economic reform

policy. The last thirty years have seen China gradually developing into a manufacturing base for

the world’s consumer market.
今年是我国改革开放30周年。过去30年以来, 中国已逐步发展成为世界消费市场的生产基地。

During that period, manufacturers from Hong Kong were quick to establish production facilities in

the Pearl River Delta to take advantage of the competitive labor cost and government preferential

policies on export activities. Essentially manufacturers from Hong Kong were mostly looking

outward, or the overseas markets, when they operate in China.
在此期间, 香港厂商已快速在珠三角地区建设生产设施, 善用我国人力资源的具竞争性的成本和政府对出口业务

实施的各种优惠政策。一直以来, 香港厂商都是背靠中国的生产设施、面向海外销售市场, 这就是他们的业务模


Today, I would argue Hong Kong industries have to start seriously looking inward, or the domestic

market, for further business growth. There are three key reasons for this.
但今天, 我认为香港厂商应该开始改变这种模式, 应该面向国内内销市场的潜力, 才能享有进一步业务增产的空


First, with China rejoining the WTO in 2001 and the further development of the economies in the

Pearl River Delta, manufacturing costs in the region have increased to levels that began to erode

the competitiveness of products in overseas markets.  This is further exacerbated by the

continuous appreciation of the Renminbi.
第一, 中国自2001年进入世贸以来, 已进一步加快珠三角地区的经济发展。区内生产成本已上升, 侵蚀了产品在

海外市场的价格竞争力。加上人民币持续升值, 成本优势更被侵蚀。

Second, manufacturers should actively diversify the geographic markets for their products and

reduce their dependence on the US and Europe. The recent meltdown in demand from consumer markets

in the West as a result of the credit crunch that began in the second half of 2008 is a warning

sign for Hong Kong manufacturers.
第二, 厂商为避免单一依靠海外个别市场, 已将外销市场多元化, 譬如减少对欧、美市场的单一依靠。自2008年

下半年发生的西方市场信贷危机, 已对香港厂商产生预警, 他们对西方消费市场未感乐观。

Third, China is gradually becoming a prominent consumer market in its own right, as continuous

economic development raises the purchasing power of the average Chinese consumer and their

aspirations to improve living standards.
第三, 反观中国市场, 她已逐步发展成为具优厚潜力的庞大消费市场, 持续经济发展已不断提升她的平均消费能

力, 提升她的人们的生活质素和条件。

Hong Kong companies enjoy a clear advantage in satisfying mainland consumers’ appetite for

quality products, as they have accumulated a lot of experience in designing and manufacturing

products of high qualities for overseas markets.
香港企业由于地域上临近中国, 能优先享有中国对优质产品的消费的承接力, 而且凭籍香港在设计和生产优质产

品的经验和能力, 对国内消费市场自然容易分一杯羹。

All in all, the Chinese domestic market is presenting enormous opportunities for Hong Kong

manufacturers to “look inward” for their next wave of growth.
总而言之, 香港厂商应该面向国内消费市场的冒升, 作为未来增产业务的动力。

However, Hong Kong manufacturers are also confronted with numerous challenges when they start to

look inward. The most critical being the tough competitions from enormous numbers of domestic

manufacturers who have an insider understanding of the local market.
不过, 在面向国内的时候, 香港厂商其实也面对各种挑战的。最大的挑战就是需要和无数的国内生产厂商互相竞


Hong Kong manufacturers have long been focused on export markets therefore they lack understanding

of the characteristics of China’s domestic market.  There is a steep learning curve in terms of

understanding the risks and opportunities in that market. 
香港厂商因为过往长期面向海外市场, 缺乏对国内市场的理解, 难以对国内风险和机会掌握合宜。

Hong Kong manufacturers are mostly small and medium sized companies. They have limited resources.

It means they face extra hurdles in gaining a foothold in China’s huge domestic market.
而且香港企业大部分都是中小型企业, 资源有限, 如要打进国内内销市场的大平台, 都往往受到束缚。

To facilitate Hong Kong manufacturers going inward, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries

believes that there is a need for establishing permanent exhibition and trading platforms in the

Pearl River Delta for Hong Kong companies to display their products and meet domestic buyers. I

agree with Mr. Cheng’s view that China South City Shenzhen is an ideal location for such a

本人作为香港工业总会主席, 认为为了协助香港厂商进入国内市场, 如果能有一个长期的展览交易平台提供给珠

三角地区的香港厂商使用, 是可以有效帮助他们做好内销市场的。本人同意华南城郑主席的意见, 位于深圳的华


Hong Kong manufacturers have a role to play in the further integration of the economies in the

Pearl River Delta region, including Hong Kong. companies in Hong Kong will be able to find new

opportunities in the region. When selling into the local markets, they will also bring in new

ideas and products to help the region’s further development.
香港厂商的角色, 是进一步结合珠三角地区经济发展。香港企业能在区内寻找新的商机。进入内销市场的同时,


The Federation of Hong Kong Industries is proud to support the China International Industrial

Fair, which will bring together buyers and sellers of products from both overseas and within China

to foster the further development of the Pearl River Delta as not only a major manufacturing base

for light industries but also a market for manufactured goods.
能有『2009中国(深圳)国际工业博览会』 这种规模、这种档次的展览交易平台, 我作为香港工业总会的代表也

引以为荣。它能把买卖双方连在一起、把海外市场带进国内, 进一步培育珠三角地区的经济发展, 让珠三角地区

不但成为轻工业的生产基地, 更带动产品成品的销售, 更成为产品成品的内销基地。

The China International Industrial Fair is an ideal starting point for Hong Kong manufacturers to

meet potential buyers and understand their needs. I strongly urge companies in Hong Kong to

actively take advantage of this Fair to “go inward”.
『2009中国(深圳)国际工业博览会』对于香港厂商来说, 是一个理想的起步点, 让他们有机会接触具潜力的买家

, 了解内销市场的需求。本人热烈推介香港企业善于利用这个博览会提供的宝贵机会, 更希望香港企业走上“面


Thank you.
